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Gallery 4

2013 Gallery





Graham had his 1/4 scale Nieuport up for a maiden flight. Purchased from Ebay, and fitted with a petrol engine, it looks the business..




Looks sweet in the air..





There's summat about WW1 fighters..
Here's a Fokker triplane purhased recently from ebay, by Roger


It hasn't been flown for about 25 years, and could be based on the plane of Werner Voss, who had a similar face painted on his cowl.
Please correct me if you know better..


Powered by an old OS .40 4-stroke, Roger soon had the engine clattering away..
It was a bit windy for the maiden flight, so he did a bit of taxiing, with predictable results..ie it nosed over..



And, yet another WW1 fighter.. David's Flair Magnatilla, being test flown by Graham


Here we gooo... first ever take-off..


Of course, there never was a WW1 plane called a Magnatilla. This is a loose copy of the German Eindecker..


Powered by an OS .48 4-stroke, it flew at a nice scale speed


Nicely flown, Graham.


Graham had problems getting it trimmed, and investigation later seemed to indicate faulty servos.


And now.. back to the present.. well almost.. this Superstar F3A patternship of the 1970's, designed by Wolfgang Matt.
Bought by Kiwibob, from a local flyer who built it recently, but was giving up flying.


Had a successful first flight, but was quite nose heavy. An OS61 FX powers it.
Looking to move the battery back, but it is already in the fuse, behind the wing TE.

more soon...........Bob.










