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Aerotech DeHavilland Mosquito

by Graham Wilkes

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Well, Graham has had a bit of a break from the mozzie, concentrating on the Zero, which is almost finished, apart from final painting, but has now returned to the fray. The undercarriage has progressed a bit further; it was thought the retrac U/C doors wouldn't quite close as the wheels were too big, but this has now been overcome...(more later) and the tail and fin have been fitted.


Checking alignment and fitting tail


Tail cone fitted



Upper fuselage moulding fitted, nose cone can be seen in front...


Assembled shot, looking better all the time


Finally sussed out the retracts, brackets fitted for the legs to actuate on and balljoints attached, just got to make up a double ended pushrod and mount the servos in the nacelles. The undercarriage doors will however need a bit more pondering, but hey, one thing at a time..... Obviously there is still a bit of tidying up to do, such as the linkage bolts have got to be made shorter...... and the wells lined with thin ply.... All in good time

legs extended


legs retracted


A few modifications, and now, the finished product




You can watch a short video of the retracs here



"Fitted the nose-cone and cut out the canopy, fits fairly well for a first try. I had ordered a pair of pilots from Pete's but one was bigger than the other (I didn't want a matched pair, they'd look like twins) and the smaller was was the right size, so I guess it'll either have one pilot and no navigator or I'll have to get another of the right size"


......A period of many moons has now elapsed....Bob......


A quick update with the Mossie. After finishing my Black Widow I can now get back to the build..... One of the jobs I didn't relish was the engine nacelles, all that bloody ABS..... anyway got stuck in and cut out the moulded bits, glued the two halves of the tank hatch/lower nacelle and cut out the cowls, the upper mouldings were too small for the gap in the bearers, no surprise there, so have had to add more wood to infill.....


Once the mouldings were done it was time to fit the engines. I had chosen to fit a pair of .52 four strokes, this led to more problems as the cowl length dictated where the engines should sit from the bulkhead, and guess what.... the carb fouled the engine mounts.... so they had to be turned round, this means the mixture needle is on the same side as the exhaust, no choice....... a bit of buggering about and it all clears, just.




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