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Being built by John Straw, as a Winter project, 2010 ~2011

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I fitted the rx switch and the remote glow in the cockpit so the outside appearance wasn't spoilt


I managed to cut away part of the engine bearer to increase the gap between the silencer and the fuel tank and fitted a heat shield made from litho plate, as recommended by Graham


Also I exited the exhaust extension, the filler tube and the engine breather from the underside of the engine bay for the same reason..You can also see the slots to allow the cooling air to escape.



I drilled some holes in the dummy radiator to increase the flow of cooling air



You will also note the design includes cooling vents hidden under the dummy cylinder heads


The cockpit surround was made from thin leather wrapped around electrical wire and stuck in place. Covered in Solartex with hand cut decals from Solartrim and finished with a coat of Clearcoat the C of G came out as per the plan.





All that's needed now is a fine day, a deep breath and to commit aviation!


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