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Ben checks the controls of his new leccy vectored thrust, F-16
First flight, and flies beautifully..
Marty shows us his leccy camera plane
The video signal is sent to the "viewing lounge"
Kiwibob tests the camera
Martin poses with Ben's new "Dynamic" Pylon racer
Ben slowed it down for the camera..
In contrast, John had his lovely Flair SE5A out for a spin
Jordan with his newly repaired Wild Card
Marty with his foamy Extra..great fun to fly..
David has some fun with his baby heli..
Linda shows how KB's Wot4 has an automatic retrac. system for bumpy landings..
A bit of brute force and it will be back to normal..
Now... this is more sensible.. KB's other Wot4 has skis fitted
A few days later... more snow now, so, with the aid of KB's truck,
☺ Hang on!! ☺
So easy with skis..
Landing approach
Now.. here's a Wot4 without skis taking off....
Marty takes the Habu for a spin