New member, Helen, had her Ripmax Nova at the field for the maiden flight
Purchased from Malcolm with the standard yellow colour scheme, Helen wanted a more "girlie" look,
so hubby, Robert recovered it..
Helen watches as Linda taxis it out. Robert holds the buddy TX
Right!! Let's go...
A bit of trimming and soon flying fine
Powered by an SC .52 4-stroke
Helen has a stir of the sticks...
Oh No! deadstick; but safely down by Linda..
Here's John with his FMS Explorer, F3A type plane.
Purchased from the Bring and Buy, at the Nationals
Linda is on hand for the maiden flight, in case any serious trimming needed.
We're off!!
Leccy, of course
Some trimming needed, but soon flying stable.. there were some issues as to where the CG should be..
Coming in for landing
Safely over "The Hedge"
Looks Good..
And... safely down